Generate tripartite contracts easily and securely!


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Generate tripartite contracts

The manual generation of tripartite contracts (trilateral agreements) is time-consuming and costly. In addition to the time-consuming process of reviewing and updating contract templates, any manual editing of changes via copy & paste runs the risk of overlooking, incorrectly selecting or incompletely replacing information and text passages, which can lead to unnoticed errors or inconsistencies.


Optimize your processes!

With CS Legal you can generate, flexibly edit and manage your tripartite contracts (trilateral agreements) digitally at any time, easily, quickly and securely. This not only saves time and costs, but also creates reliable legal security for all your documents.

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Legal security

All changes, additions and updates to text passages are integrated fully automatically at the appropriate points in the document when a new tripartite contract (trilateral agreement) is created. So you can be sure that all your tripartite contracts are always error-free and legally compliant.

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Time saving

Time-consuming manual editing via copy & paste is eliminated, as are time-consuming checks and reworking. Because the template-based generation of your tripartite contracts is fully automated. This frees up personnel and time resources!

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Efficiency and quality

Your entire process becomes simpler, faster and more secure - and thus much more efficient! In addition, your tripartite contracts achieve a high and reliable quality.

Of course, you can also use CS Legal to generate and manage other document types easily, quickly and securely.

Our customers use CS Legal successfully for e.g.:

  • 307 documents
  • Investment terms
  • KIIDs
  • Factsheets
  • Sales prospectuses
  • .....

By using it as SaaS in the cloud, you have maximum flexibility.

CS Legal Sechseck


There is no more secure, efficient
and professionel document management!

marcus klein

Your contact

Marcus Klein

Managing Director

Telefon +49 6172 662621-16

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